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Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Cardiff student protest

I've just run home to pick up blankets and charge mobile phones, so now seems like a good time to bring you up to speed.

If you follow my twitter feed, you'll likely have seen that I joined a peaceful protest outside Cardiff university at 12 noon today. The protest moved inside the building, and a small portion of us held down a lecture hall while the rest marched around the city centre. The police have acknowledged this as a peaceful protest. No windows broken, no punches thrown, to my knowledge.

While they were gone, discussions began with Cardiff uni security regarding the intended aims of our protest.

On their return, the lecture or "teach-in" began. It was utterly inspirational. I'm going to look up the details shared and pass them along to you.

As things stand now, it's looking like the protesters intend to stay overnight and bring more attention to our cause. I have to head back out as it's going to be a cold night and my friends will need blankets! This is just a placeholder post, I'll update in more detail as soon as I get the chance! As it is, things are very much in progress!

1 comment:

  1. This is great :-D
    You even made me look at Twitter, and I hate looking at Twitter.

    Whether it causes a change or gets ignored, you're making a little bit of history.
    (Though I'm afraid I'm still laughing at comments about students finally wanting to be in their lecture halls. 'lol' etc.)

    Anyway, Good work and good luck with whatever else you've got planned.


Do you have relevant / irrelevant things to say? I thought so. Comment!